- CLF Powerpoint Gemeentes 2020
- Begrafnis - neem afskeid op die regte manier
- By die doop
- Die Heidelbergse Kategismus
- Die Here Jesus kom weer
- Die fees van Paasfees
- Die pad na verlossing
- Gasvryheid
- Geloof en wetenskap die groot misverstand
- Gemeente-uitreike
- Geregtigheid om God se liefde te lééf
- Geseënd is die vredemakers
- Here, leer ons bid
- Hoe lees ons die Bybel
- Hoe vertel ek iemand van Jesus
- Kersfees is n Christusfees
- Korrupsie
- Kry weer hoop
- Mensehandel
- Nagmaal
- Om die Here met dankoffers te dien
- Om te rou
- Ons woon in die aarde
- Rentmeesterskap
- Wat is die kerk
- Werk om werk te soek
- At the Baptism
- Blessed are the peacemakers
- Christmas - a feast about Christ
- Corruption lets overcome it
- Easter Celebrating the Lamb of Passover
- Funerals the Christian way
- Grieving brings healing
- Holy communion
- Hope A gift from God
- Hospitality to make place at our table
- How do I tell someone about Jesus
- Lord teach us to pray
- Our role in Gods creation story
- Serving God with our offerings
- Short term outreach projects
- Stewardship is about ownership
- The Heidelberg Catechism - a comfort for many
- The Lord Jesus is coming again
- Unemployed Work to find work
- We inhabit the earth
- What is the church_
- Why should I belong to a Church
The Seasons of Human Dignity is an initiative of the four sister churches of the family of Dutch Reformed Churches. Together, we want to make a difference to the need, in this space, in our country.
The objective of the Seasons of Human Dignity is the healing of human dignity in South Africa. The message, that God gives dignity to all people, must be contemplated and put into practice once again. During the Season we will particularly focus on restoring and promoting 4 values, namely respect, listen, embrace and love.
We know that, in our communities with people of different languages and cultures, it is something only the Lord can do. The Lord Jesus is the best example for us in this. Therefore, we focus on the stories of Jesus’ interaction with different people in the gospels. The healing of human dignity becomes real for our countries there where we, as disciples of Jesus, can reach out to one another, over boundaries, and learn to handle each other with respect and love.
We chose four stories of Jesus in conversation with men and women that illustrate the values of the Season of Human Dignity. The fifth story is the master story for the Season of Human Dignity – Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. Together the five stories give us inspirational examples to follow. Read more at
CABSA and AIDS Candlelight Memorial Day in a time of COVID-19
We would like to appeal to you to please join us, and the international community, in raising awareness and solidarity with people living with HIV, as we commemorate AIDS Candlelight Memorial on May 17th. You are welcome to share the material CABSA prepared for Candlelight Memorial in a time of the COVID-19 epidemic.
You can view or download a short prayer clip here: Candlelight memorial service video